Aberdeenshire Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund

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This application form must be completed in full and all required attachments submitted for the application to be considered.
Data Protection & Privacy Notice
To continue with this form, you must confirm that you have read our Data Protection & Privacy Notice, and consent to AVA storing the data as detailed within the policy. You can access our Data Protection & Privacy Notice by following this link.
About You and Your Organisation
The information provided in this section will be used as the only contact information for your application.
This will be the email address that we use to contact you about your application.
This will be the phone number that we use to contact you about your application.
Bank Account & Income Information
(six numbers long in the format shown)
(normally eight numbers long)
About Your Application

Project Information

Please be as brief as possible, whilst providing enough information for the quality assurance panel to be confident that your application should reach the participatory budgeting stage of this process. 
Project Detail

Please provide as much information about your project as you can. This will help the quality assurance panel to approve the inclusion of your project in the public vote stage.
If the grant is for something that creates or impacts on a structure of a building we will require to see confirmation that you have checked with your Local Authority whether planning is required.
Project Outcomes

Which of the national Just Transition outcomes do you feel your project most closely aligns to? 
Your project should meet at least one outcome from the Social outcomes and one from the Environmental outcomes.

Financial Detail

Please provide as much information about the costs associated with your project as you can. Without evidence associated with the full cost of your project, your application may be deemed to be incomplete and therefore not eligible to reach the public vote stage of the process. If your organisation is VAT registered, any figures you provide in relation to costings in this application should be excluding VAT. If your organisation isn’t VAT registered, you should provide costings inclusive of VAT.
Participatory Budgeting Vote Information
This information will be used to allow the general public to decide on which projects they would like to support.
General Information
Please help us to understand your experience so far of applying to The Fund.
Support Disclaimer

Whilst we would always encourage applicants to seek support from the relevant parties (AVA and/or NESCAN Hub), the provision of support is not a guarantee of success in any funding process.
Signature & Submission